Hey I'm Marcus

Coming up with a good opener is tough...

Hire me perhaps?

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My expertise is in frontend technologies including React, Angular & Vue. Oh and of course the basics in HTML, CSS & JS haha.
With a focus in frontend engineering you can't leave out the skills to help create a clean and responsive UI/UX!
Even with a focus on frontend I still have the capabilities to work on backend whether it be scripting or database queries.
Between Docker and cloud services such as AWS I have the ability to work on containerized architectures.


About Me

Snowboarding: A couple of weekends on the slopes and I am hooked, hopefully I can hit an 'S' turn soon!
Photography: Still trying to get good at this but I truly enjoy landscape photography and taking in all of that natural beauty!
Archery: Haven't picked this up fully but starting to get set up and very excited to get started!
Music: This is a deep passion of mine currently, I looove playing the bass. Wish I got started earlier in life!
Cooking: I'm definitely no expert but I really enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. Eating the result is pretty great too!
Cycling: Just getting into cycling as a great low-impact cardio workout, ready to tackle some tough trails!


© 2020 Marcus Parker, Built with Gatsby